Free Delivery to UK on Orders £199+​​, all customs duty and taxes included

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions


How much does home delivery cost?

The shipping cost is always described in the final order summary.
By entering the desired products in the cart, the customer will see the transport costs and only then can he choose whether to confirm the order or not.

All duty and handling cost are included. No additional taxes or fees need to be paid at the delivery.

Is the shipment insured?

All our shipments are insured, for any loss another package is re-sent or the customer is reimbursed.


How can I find out the shipping code for my order?

On the day of departure of the goods from the warehouse we will send the shipment code by email. For more information, see "Production times and shipments" page
ATTENTION: Please do not send us emails with tracking code requests if the time indicated on the "Production times and shipments" page has not elapsed.


I received an email with the tracking number, how can I track my package?

You can track the status of your shipment directly on the courier's website to which we have assigned the package.
ATTENTION: Updates start from the day after the shipping email.


At the time of delivery, does the courier contact the recipient to arrange an appointment?

The courier currently does not offer this service
ATTENTION: We recommend that the recipient contact the courier if he has problems with delivery times via the courier number.


I have ordered more items, is there a single shipment even if they have a different arrival time?

The order is shipped as soon as we have all the items ordered at our office.




Will you issue a receipt or invoice to claim the product warranty?

BegA s.r.l. at the time of shipment it issues a regular invoice or specific purchase sale document for individuals (or invoice only after a specific request) and is valid for tax purposes and for product warranty.


I placed an order and chose the bank transfer as payment, if I send the Transaction Reference Number (TRN) you can speed up the order fulfillment?

The TRN code or the copy of the bank transfer can speed up the processing of the order, but before processing the goods we still await credit to the bank account. As soon as we receive the payment we send a communication via email of the receipt.

After completing the order, how long will I have to wait before the courier delivers the purchased products?

This depends on the payment method chosen and the availability of the products, usually the delivery takes place within the times indicated in the table on the page "Production and shipping times"

How can I get a confirmation of receipt of my order?

Once the order has been sent, an email will arrive with the confirmation of the same with the order number executed. You will need this page as a receipt.

Where can I find the order number?

The order number can be found both in the order confirmation email and in your personal area on our website.


Are the products for sale on your website new and guaranteed?

MaantA of BegA s.r.l. manages and delivers only new products and with a minimum 2-year warranty for end users and 1 year for retailers, unless otherwise specified.

A product describet as "available" is actually on stock?

If the item is immediately available, it is possible to add it to the cart.
The product is in stock but the preparation of the order and the shipment will be carried out according to the specifications indicated in the table on the page "Production and shipping times".

The product page and the check-out page show the estimated date of delivery.

If the product is not available it will not be possible to add it to the cart, therefore you can contact us via the contact form or by email: to request the new date for availability.



What payment methods are available to me?

The payment methods available to the customer are indicated on the "Payments" page.



How can I get the promotional code?

MaantA of BegA s.r.l. reserves the right to carry out promotions and provide promotional codes.
Some promotions and discount codes are communicated by sending newsletters. We advise you to register via the form provided at the end of each page of our website.

How can I use the promotional code?

During the purchase process, in the cart, if discount codes are available, a special section will appear to enter the promotional code.