Seam Sealer Impermeabilizzante per Cuciture
Il McNett Seam Sealer sigilla le cuciture che iniziano a perdere e gocciolare.
E' dotato di una pratica spazzolina che aiuta nella stesura del prodotto.
Dopo l'applicazione è necessario lasciar riposare per 12 ore, a tenda aperta.
- Resistente ai lavaggi, ed al caldo e freddo
- In grado di riparare piccoli fori
- Tubo da 28 grammi, specifico per prodotti con rivestimenti in poliuretano
- Adesivo a base uretano
- Indossare guanti per evitare contatto con la pelle.
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Delivery 24 / 48 hours
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Guides & Info

Create Your Project with Our Guides!
Waterproof or breathable?
How to choose the fabric ►►►
Dimensions of the sails:
How to measure spaces and dimensions ►►►
Step by step installation guide
Assembly and maintenance guide ►►►

Correct tensioning is one of the most important factors during assembly
The advantages of a well-taut sail are:
- better wind resistance (does not tear and does not wear fixings)
- no pockets of water are created (waterproof sails)
- greater longevity of the sail and fixings

Better assistance than Amazon, very kind and helpful. Exceptional quality and design for both poles and curtains.
The first wind test showed the clear superiority between the purchased 4x5m sail and that of another brand that we previously mounted. The shade sail lets the wind pass without getting upset.
Mounted here on Etna, it has also faced its first volcanic ash rain without any damage.
Massimo Grieco
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The posts are of excellent quality, sturdy and aesthetically beautiful, the purchase cost in my opinion is fully justified by the quality of the product ...
The sellers found them friendly and very helpful. Advisors to everyone to buy their products.
Davide Corsaro
Review left on Google MyBusiness, see others

I have carried out several orders related to anchor poles and sails and I have always had a great time.
The anchoring poles are of excellent workmanship and of great quality ditto for sailing awnings. I have always placed telephone orders, finding competent and kind operators every time.
Paolo Brignoli
Review left on Google MyBusiness, see others
thinking about everything
Our dedication to environmental protection is evident in every aspect of our operations. We constantly strive to integrate sustainable practices, reducing our environmental impact and promoting the preservation of our ecosystem.
This commitment reflects our core values, which drive us to pursue a greener and more responsible future.